
Monday, June 20, 2011

Training Videos

Do you have a new staff memeber that is still learning to use the Illustration Software?  Or maybe you have a question on a specific product? 

When running illustrations, based on the product you select, a list of training videos will be loaded for viewing. Simply click on the T.V. icon to view the list of helpful videos that may assist you in running your illustration.

As always, feel free to contact us with any questions you may have.

Jill Parsons
Illustration Development Team

Monday, June 13, 2011

ETI on Cashbacks

One call we receive frequently is in regards to the Cashback Life 20/30 - Age 95 and the Cashback Life 20/30 - SE (for those of you in OH, PA, UT, and WA), and that question is: What does the ETI stand for on the output?  Simply put, the ETI you are seeing on the output when you run your illustration stands for Extended Term Insurance.  This is the period of term insurance that the net cash value will purchase for the full face amount of the policy, less any policy loans and loan interest.  For example, let's say a client purchases a Cashback Life 20 - age 95.  In year 10, let's assume they stop paying premium.  The ETI indicates how long the policy will last in years and days.  So, in this example, the policy will run 8 years and 133 days - less any policy loans and loan interest.

Feel free to contact us for help setting up Cashback illustrations!

Jill Parsons
Illustration Development Team

Thursday, June 2, 2011

Table Ratings

We frequently receive calls regarding table ratings.  Sometimes it's for help setting up a New Business Illustration and there are questions about how to add in the table rating.  More often than not however, it is because an application has been submitted and Underwriting has informed you that the policy is being offered with a table rating - which then leads to the next question - "What is the new premium being offered on this policy?"  With a few, quick steps, this premium can be figured using the Illustration System.

1. Bring up the Illustration System and enter in the client information just as you did the first time (or open up your saved quote).  Make sure you use the same Specified Amount and include any riders you may have quoted and submitted the first time.  Ultimately, you want to make sure to use the same information so that the quote matches the original premium you came up with.

2. Let's assume, for example, that Underwriting has informed you that the policy is being offered at a Table "B."  Note: that the letter and number of the alphebet coincide.  So, if you are being offered a Table "B," this is essentially the same thing as a Table 2.  (Table 1 is A, Table 2 is B, Table 3 is C, etc.)  To add in your table rating, simply type the number of the table rating in the box at the top right of the input screen and hit the tab key.  You will see that this then also places the letter to the right of the number you entered.  The table rating you just entered is now being considered part of the quote.  Any modifications you make from this point forward will take the table rating into account as well.

It's a simple as that!  Feel free to call me with any questions you may have pertaining to quoting with table ratings.  I am happy to help.

Jill Parsons
Illustration Development Team