
Wednesday, February 23, 2011

Running a Current Inforce Illustration

Running a current inforce illustration is a simple process that can be completed in as little as a few minutes.  We run current illustrations every day, so we thought we would take a minute to explain how this process works and where you can go to obtain current illustrations for your clients.

If you are the assigned agent, the policy has been in force for at least one year, the policy is above the minimum specified amount, and the product type is in our list of illustratable inforce products below, then the policy can be illustrated.

To access your inforce policies, click on the Inforce Illustrations button in your desktop software, or you can navigate to  Both options will take you to a login screen.

PLEASE NOTE: If you do not have a username and password, click on "Create User" and you will be able to set one up. 

Once you have logged in, click on "Run Inforce Illustrations."

Type in the policy number you are trying to access and click, “OK.”

Once the policy summary comes into view, click on "View Illustration."

Once, the input screen comes up, to run a current inforce illustration, all you need to do is click on the "Illustrate" button at the top.  This will run the illustration with the current parameters.

Please feel free to contact us with any questions you may have.

Illustration Development Team
1-800-572-2467 x8162

Wednesday, February 16, 2011

Universal Life and Issue Ages 0-14

One of the most common calls we receive related to young children, is how to set them up for our Supernova or Flexwealth Advantage Universal Life.

One important tip to remember for issue ages 0-14 is that for both the Supernova and Flexwealth Advantage, the child has to be quoted as Preferred Non-Tobacco.  The easiest way to set up the illustration for these issue ages is to first select Preferred Non Tobacco as the risk class and to then input the child's birthday.  If you leave the risk class as Standard Non Tobacco and input the birthday, the age will default to 15 because age 15 is the youngest age that can be quoted as Standard Non-Tobacco.

Please refer to the charts below for any questions you have related to issue age or risk class for these products.

Wednesday, February 9, 2011

New Features of Version 4.33!

We've had a few calls and questions come in, so I wanted to take a minute to point out the new features of our latest version, 4.33.

If you have not yet updated your software to version 4.33, you can do so by clicking on "Tools" in the Illustration System and clicking on "Check for Updates."

To help make agents more aware of the inforce illustrating capabilities we have in place, we have added an "Inforce Illustration" button within the software.  Clicking this button will pull up our website, at which time you can enter in your username and password to run inforce illustrations.

Please Note: If you do not yet have a username and password set up, no problem!  Just click on the link on the website and you will be able to set one up.  If you have any problems with setup or if you aren't sure what your existing username and password is, just give us a call and we can assist you.

We have also added a Survivor Cash and Income Needs Package to the software that will allow you to determine the need for your clients should the death of a spouse occur.

Please refer to our "Survivor Cash and Income Needs Package" blog to access detailed instructions on how to utilize this package to fit your clients' needs!

Lastly, the Designation of Death Benefit Payout Endorsement Rider (DDBPER) has been added to the software for all new business policies.  This rider allows the owner to choose how the death benefit is to be paid out.  At the time the endorsement is added, the owner will designate a lump sum benefit that is immediately paid out at proof of death as well as an installment benefit amount paid over a designated number of installment benefit years after proof of death. In addition to new business policies, this rider can also be added to select inforce policies.  To access more information about this new rider, click on the rider in the illustration system, and then place your curser over the open book for details.

Feel free to give us a call with any questions you may have.

Until Next Time!
Jill Parsons
Illustration Development Team
1-800-572-2467 x8162

Thursday, February 3, 2011

Survivor Cash and Income Needs Package

If something happens to you or your spouse, how will your family replace your earning power, as well as pay for the cash needs that may arise at you or your spouse’s death?
This package can now be presented to clients by using the Illustration Software.
1.     To begin, click on Family Market in Tools > Wizards within the Illustration System.

2. Input the Package Name and select the Survivor Cash and Income Needs Package and click "Next."

Print Blank Fact Finder— Clicking on this feature will allow you to print a blank Fact Finder that could be taken with you when you meet the client(s).  The Fact Finder can be filled out and the information can be input in the Illustration System at a later time.

Print Fact Finder— At any point, you may preview and/or print the current progress of your Survivor Cash and Income Needs analysis.  Any information you have input in the system up until that point will be included in the ‘Print Fact Finder.’

3. Choose the "Included Income" option you would like to see from the drop-down and enter the client(s) information.  When finished, click "Next." 

4.  Click on each of the categories on the left-hand side and enter monetary amounts in each field on the right.  When finished with all categories, click “Next.”

5.  Information previously entered for the client(s) will automatically be pre-filled below.  Select the Need Solution type and make any modifications necessary to the life product, risk class, etc. and then click “Finish.”

 6.  Your package will then be included with the illustration(s) generated.  Running the Composite Illustration automatically generated by the system will include all illustrations and the package together so that they may be printed and presented to the client(s).

Questions? Comments?  We’d like to hear from you! 
Illustration Development Team
1-800-572-2467 x8162