
Tuesday, August 7, 2012

New Version Release Page

The Illustration Development Team has implemented a new tool to help you stay up to date on the latest news pertaining to the illustration system.  Now when you log on to there will be a 'Version Release' link on the 'Agent Home' page.  You can see where the link is located in the image below:

The version release page will include information about the most recent additions and improvements to both the online illustration system and the desktop illustration system.  You'll notice a version number below the date on the desktop version release information.  The version number is highlighted by the red box below:

This version number will always be the latest version of the KCL Illustration System.  So be sure to check it regularly in order to stay current with the newest features and ensure that you have the latest updates available!  Click here to be redirected to the new version release page now and see what features we've been working on.