
Tuesday, December 4, 2018

New Feature Introduced on Quick Quoter

Have you ever been in the middle of creating a quote for your client and realized you didn't have all the information you needed to finish it? Or been interrupted halfway through and had to re-enter the same information again later when you came back to it? What if the client wants to see several quotes for the same product with just one or two changes? The new button on the Quick Quoter creates a solution for all of these issues and more!

As shown in the image, the button in the top right corner of the Quick Quoter gives users the ability to load a new case, copy the inputs from the previous case, save their progress, and view previous quote cases. By clicking "New Case", all inputs are cleared and reset to default, thus allowing the user to begin a new quote without having to reload the entire page.

The "Copy Case" button loads a quote with the inputs from the most recently entered case. This is particularly useful when a client wants to see a particular product with various specified amounts or with different premiums. This saves valuable time as it eliminates the need for the user to re-enter all of the client information or other specifics related to their previous quote.

"Save Case" will save the current inputs, thus allowing the user to come back to that exact case at a later point in time. This is particularly useful if there is a base scenario to which the user would like to make minor adjustments to show a variety of options to their client. It is also helpful when setting up the case and realizing that a particular piece of information is missing to provide the most accurate quote as it eliminates the need to re-enter data. These saved cases can be viewed by clicking the "View Past Cases" button, where a list of previously run quotes can be found. From this page, users can view the specifics of the case by hovering the mouse over the "Info" icon. Clicking the icon in the "View Case" column will load the Quick Quoter with the case specifics already entered as inputs; no need to re-type all of that information again!

We hope this feature creates an even simpler user experience and would love to hear your feedback!

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