
Wednesday, May 26, 2021

E-Application: The Signing Process


Looking for a chance to learn more about the E-Signature process? This post will help walk you through the signing process for Kansas City Life Insurance's E-Application.

After filling out the fields in each section of the E-Application, a check mark will appear to indicate that the section is complete. Once every section is marked with a check mark, you are ready to begin the signing process.

If you scroll down to the bottom of the E-Application page, you will find two options: the “View Applications” button and the “E-Signature” button.

The View Applications button will allow you to review the applications with all the entered values filled out. If you click the checkbox to include the illustration, then the document generated can be printed out to be signed as a physical copy that can be mailed to New Business.

The second option begins the e-signature process that allows for the process to be completed completely online instead of using physical signatures. After clicking the “E-Signature” button, a new section will appear on the bottom of the page. This section will prefill the name and email (if it was entered) from the E-Application fields above for each person that requires a signature. In addition, each potential signer is given an option to e-sign through a link sent to the email provided or to use a link that will be generated after submitting the e-application. This can be decided for each individual signer through the indicated checkbox below, checking the box indicates that the signing link will be sent through email.

Worried about sending a signature link to an incorrect email? The email address can be changed on the Applications Dashboard and the signature link resent. For more information on the Applications Dashboard, check out our previous blog post.

After deciding how the signers will receive their signing links, the “Continue” button will take you to the next step and give you an opportunity to review the information one last time before submitting the E-Application.

The confirmation step will show you two lists, one indicating the signers that will be completing the E-Signature in person and the other showing who will be receiving an email instead. If you find anything that needs to be fixed, then clicking the “Edit” button will take you back to the previous view and let you edit any changes, otherwise you are ready to use the “Submit” button to begin the E-Signature process!

After clicking submit an email from with a hyperlink will be sent to each signer that had requested to receive one. Meanwhile, for each of the remaining signers a link like the image below will be generated. For each person that needs to sign, click their link and pass the computer or tablet for them to start signing.

The first page that you will arrive at after clicking a link will be a welcome page. AssureSign will present you with a brief overview of what steps will follow, simply click the “Continue” button to move onto the next page.

The second page will require each signer to agree to AssureSign’s terms and conditions. This page offers several options for the signer. The “Preview Document” button will give the signer a chance to review the applications and illustration they are about to sign. Next to the “Preview Document” button is a menu button. Clicking the menu button will reveal the option for the signer to send questions or feedback to Kansas City Life Insurance or to Decline Signing the document. If ANY signer declines signing the document, the entire application will be cancelled.

Once the signer is ready to move on, they simply need to check the box agreeing to the terms and conditions and then the “Start Signing” button will be enabled to move onto the next page.

At last we have reached the signing page! Here the signer will be presented with a text box that will represent their signature. It will be prefilled with the name that was used on the application, but it can be changed if desired (e.g. to add a middle name or initial). Below the “Continue” button, a display will indicate how many of the signatures they have completed and how many total signatures they need to apply.

Each time the “Continue” button is clicked, the signature will be applied to the highlighted field, and then scroll the document to the next signature field to be signed.

Once all fields have been signed, the “Continue” button will be changed to a “Finish” button. Click the button to finish the E-Signature process for the signer.

Congratulations! You have just finished the E-Signature process for one of the signers. If you have multiple in person signers, simply close the AssureSign tab and click the signing link to repeat the process for each remaining signer. Once everybody has signed, the completed document will be sent to New Business automatically.

If there are additional questions regarding the E-Signature process, please contact us at

Illustration Development Team
1-800-572-2467 x8162


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